The Traitor Among Us
by Pat on 03/23/11
There is a fifth columnist which pretends allegiance, but happily bides time, while appearing to be your best friend and ally. This treacherous predator has no conscience in regard to fowls. The family dog can account for more dead chickens than all the other predators combined. Some can be trusted, but not all. We never allow our beautiful Pyrenees to be alone with the chickens. She has proved to be quite satisfied that chickens were put on earth for her entertainment, and no matter how many times she has been scolded or punished; she will still take any unsupervised opportunity to mangle another one. We love her, but it takes all our patience to keep from hauling her away to the local animal shelter just after she has murdered one of our favorite hens. Most barn cats find young chicks an acceptable meal. Some will take pullets, too. Opportunists, poultry must seem little different from rats and mice to them. They generally hunt at night.